The administrative management of the portfolio, lease agreements, real estate taxation, the management of insurance risks and lease agreements, and the planning and control of costs and revenue are all part of Revalo’s DNA.
These activities are conducted using whichever management tool the Client utilises.
Real-time reporting
The industrialisation of compliance processes, a structured start-up phase and the assignment of a Property Manager expert to each commission enable all of Revalo’s Clients to benefit, in line with their objectives, from the experience and professionalism gained over many years of working within a close-knit group.
Risk management
Revalo doesn’t just manage the building’s insurance risks via guarantees provided by the client, it also offers the analysis of specific risks by studying and following sector trends. This is made possible thanks to the high number of assets the company manages. Particular added value is provided by the operational model that’s been specifically designed for the Construction All Risk sector to support large redevelopment projects.
Real estate taxation management
Revalo currently manages approximately € 40 million in Municipal Property Tax and, over the years, has been able to assist its Clients thanks to a highly qualified team of experts ready with its deep regulatory knowledge and constant monitoring of updates to the current legislation. A know-how which has enabled, in numerous cases, based on the technical characteristics of the managed portfolio, Revalo to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the legislation to reduce the tax burden of the property.
Arrears management
Revalo offers its Clients an entire team exclusively dedicated to arrears management, as well as a reporting system that’s been created and customised over the years through know-how which has been developed alongside the Clients on the basis of their varying needs and procedures. In addition, by constantly monitoring payables via monthly coordination meetings with the Client, maintaining a direct relationship with Tenants, and using a highly automated process for managing payment reminders, Revalo constantly ensures arrears are kept to a minimum.
Payments management
Revalo, to support the above-mentioned arrears management process, has also developed functionality within its management system for directly dealing with interbank payment flows from remote banking. This functionality, through a series of preliminary checks, automatically links the payment to the Tenant and allocates it to the appropriate invoice.
This automatism, in addition to greatly reducing the manual effort required from personnel in recording payments, which can now be entirely dedicated to quality control instead, minimises payment attribution errors and ensures Tenant accounts are kept up to date at all times.
Furthermore, the entire process also includes the checking of all bank transactions in the Clients’ accounts, even those not attributable to Tenants (which are “handled” within a dedicated environment), thus allowing quick reconciliation between the bank account balances and those held on the management system.
# municipalities in which properties are located
Municipal Property Tax
Lease agreements
# Sales invoices/year
# Condominiums
# Supplier orders/year
# Purchase
Periodic statements
of account/year

Technical property management, the core of Revalo’s service offering, consists of overseeing the services provided to the building and the people, monitoring the condition of the property and its regulatory compliance, managing any necessary emergency work, preparing and managing the budget for extraordinary activities, managing the relationship with Tenants and overseeing the satisfactory completion of maintenance activities.
Distressed Assets
A unique know-how that has developed in line with the growth of this very segment, understanding, over time, the evolution of the “atypical” needs required by property portfolios of this type.
Commission dedicated teams
Revalo offers teams that are dedicated to each commission, including a Key Account Manager who’s responsible for coordinating the activities of the Building Manager; the team’s structure facilitates the establishment of direct and effective relationships with the Clients’ Asset Management teams and with the Tenants.
On-site presence
Revalo only assigns a limited number of properties to each Building Manager, enabling them to maintain a frequent presence at the property, to build up a good knowledge and understanding of that property, and to be constantly available for the Tenants.
# Single-tenant assets
# Multi-tenant assets

Revalo carries out a careful check of the technical/administrative documentation to ensure it is complete and in order: from acquiring the existing documentation to analysing any critical issues, and identifying the best ways to correct any irregularities through to the drafting of a transferability report for the property.
Virtual Data Room
The document management platform that’s accessible via the web (Virtual Data Room) is a valuable and flexible tool for assisting with ongoing technical and administrative property management activities such as purchasing, financing, leasing and sales.
Indeed, the web platform enables users – investors, professionals, Asset, Building or Fund managers – to quickly read documents and rapidly prepare summary or analysis reports of all the documentation pertaining to a particular asset.
International standards
Revalo utilises RICS standards for measuring surface areas to offer Italian and, above all, foreign investors objective tools to immediately understand the characteristics of the building portfolio under analysis and/or being managed.
Building Database
From the moment it takes responsibility for an asset, Revalo ensures the completeness and suitability of the Building Database.
Indeed, Revalo is equipped with automated IT monitoring tools to ensure any errors in the property’s land registry data and compliance with tax obligations are kept to a minimum, using management tools able to interface the management database with the SISTER platform, the depository for official Italian land registry data.
# Properties managed
# Land registry titles managed
# Documents handled
# Documents computerised
# Properties sold
# Document clusters

Revalo offers a management service to its Clients for handling extraordinary maintenance and capex operations that are particularly complex and significant. The activity consists mainly of coordinating the team of professionals who are responsible for each of the process phases: planning, works supervision, health & safety coordination and inspections. It also involves the coordination of the authorisation process with the competent authorities and of the building phase, as well as providing support to the Client during the tender process.
Design evaluation
Revalo’s technical office is able to analyse, both financially and technically, the redevelopment projects, so as to suggest alternative design solutions that may reduce the financial impact without affecting quality, evaluating the completeness of the bills of quantities as well as the operational feasibility of the projects.
Site Project Manager
Revalo ensures the participation of one or more Site Project Managers in site meetings, monitoring the progress of work activities so as to ensure the project is on track to meet all its targets in terms of deadlines, costs and quality.
For each activity Revalo provides a set of clear and thorough reports: weekly reports to highlight any critical issues arising during work and monthly reports to analyse the general progress of the project, providing the Client with a clear and concise overview of costs, progress against deadlines and the quality of the build.
Construction site platform
Revalo has implemented, within its systems, a specific area for dynamically managing and monitoring construction sites; this environment, during the start-up phase, is populated with all the documentation produced by all the parties involved. This documentation is also monitored, using alerts defined at the beginning of the work activities, so as to ensure all deadlines and legal requirements are fully respected.
Assistance with defining work activities
For each project Revalo pays particular attention, during both the planning and execution phases, to the future management of the development in terms of both costs and ease of maintenance. This is achieved thanks to its well established expertise in the technical management of real estate. As a result it is therefore capable of providing guidance at both the project design and execution levels.

Revalo, via its single Procurement Office, is able to maximise economies of scale thanks to its strong contract negotiating position, managing the services, supplies and works procurement processes with maximum transparency and effectiveness. In addition, a meticulous supplier preselection and approval operation enables Revalo’s Building Managers to concentrate on their core activities.
Vendor Management
Revalo has established a Vendor Rating system to assess and monitor the performance of contractors. The Procurement Office carries out, in collaboration with the Building Managers, a systematic survey of the information gathered on contractor companies. This includes their conduct during the tender process as well as the quality and punctuality of their work during contract execution. Each supplier is assigned a Vendor Rating index which is particularly useful for selecting which companies to invite to tender.
Tender process traceability
Revalo’s Procurement Office uses an e-procurement application which, in addition to the important goal of reducing the time it takes to complete the process, provides a trace of each operation carried out. This automatic archiving optimises processing times and offers an audit trail for internal inspections or audits carried out by external control bodies.
Specialised contracts
The internal legal office, specialised in real estate matters, has prepared contract documents which are periodically reviewed and updated, including in response to changes in the relevant legislation. The contract types include professional service contracts, framework and call-off contracts, equipment operation and maintenance contracts, and tender contracts. In each case Revalo’s primary objectives are to ensure operational effectiveness and to protect the property owner from civil or criminal liabilities, including those set forth by Law no. 231.
# Tenders/year
# Companies in the supplier register
% contracts awarded with respect to total number of tenders
% Savings/year compared to tender specification

Support for the optimization and implementation of business systems and processes in the area of enterprise ERP development (Gap Analysis, Architecture, SW Selection & Solution). Implementation of Administrative and Planning & Control systems and models.
Management of general and sectional accounting of managed funds/legal entities; completion of the active and passive real estate cycle through the integration with management systems, administrative fulfillments, and preparation of interim and annual financial statements. Preparation of statements and information to report to the Supervisory Bodies (Bank of Italy, Consob, AGE).
Participation in system implementation projects of major real estate players gained during more than 20 years in the field.
Preparation, updating, and seniority calibrated to the client’s real needs. Customization of services offered, analytical and problem-solving skills.
Innovation & Partnership
Continuous research and updating of new product and process solutions. Development of projects in partnership with major IT players and the customer.
High organizational and management capacity in accounting and para-accounting processes. Continuous updating of general and dedicated regulations (e.g., Reports to Supervisory Bodies). Management of the active and passive cycle.
High level of integration of accounting systems with management systems. Elimination of management/administrative downtime and redundancies. Management of the different dimensions of industrial accounting analysis.
Speed of analysis and reporting by the client’s methods and timelines (monthly, quarterly, etc.). Containment of interim and annual closing times.

The Analysis & Reporting function provides dedicated assistance in drafting the client’s annual budget, independently preparing the initial data output, to be analysed in detail together with the client. Revalo’s support with the process doesn’t just end once the budget is accepted: it continues throughout the year, providing assistance, in addition to producing interim forecasts, in analysing the data via a series of dedicated reports which are made available online ready for the client to use. Revalo also offers assistance in providing data to support the process of periodically valuing the properties.
Extensive experience and the partnership with its IT service providers enables the provision of 360° support, customised to meet the client’s needs with the possibility, during the portfolio start-up phase, to personalise the set of reports and how the information they contain is set out, making them available on a dedicated portal.
Real-time data management
Revalo’s service model makes it possible to update, in real time, how the data and related analysis is displayed, whenever the needs of the client’s business requires them to be modified.
Variance analysis
Revalo supports the monitoring of the data it manages, including analysing the variances with the budget for every single item. Depending on the client’s requirements, the analysis can be adjusted to examine different aspects: economic, financial, temporal and dimensional.
# Reports/year

on Property Management
on Payment Cycles
on Budgeting & Controlling
on Technical Management and DDM

The “Tenant Service” includes all the activities that are carried out within an office space to guarantee it remains fully functional from an operational, technological and equipment perspective.
The primary objective of the service is to manage the working space and all its physical and system components, with particular attention paid to assessing the possibility of optimising their use further.
Support to the tenant’s core business
The Tenant Service combines technical management activities with administrative management, so as to take the burden of managing these time consuming management processes away from the client. The client can therefore dedicate themselves more fully to the core business of their operations.
Integrated approach
The Tenant Service is the ideal solution for supporting a whole range of possible needs including, among others, layout adjustments, equipment installations and the organisation of company events. The manager responsible doesn’t just coordinate the ordinary maintenance, they also fulfil the role of Project Coordinator, ensuring the Building Manager has the support of all the necessary professional experts.
Space Planning
Revalo, thanks to its knowledge and experience in terms of the operational requirements of offices, is well positioned to develop new office layout designs on behalf of the Tenant with a view to making the optimum use of space, including to take account of changes in organisational requirements.

Revalo performs technical-administrative Due Diligence activities to support the buying and selling, leasing and financing activities, using an interdisciplinary approach and a careful analysis of the available asset documentation.
Revalo, with a view to improving the product offered, extends the Due Diligence activities to also include land registry analysis, so as to ensure compliance with tax regulations.
Respecting delivery times
As soon as we’re appointed, a team is immediately made available and the procedures that enable time frames to be reduced are initiated in line with the client’s specific needs and the area.
Virtual Data Room
The documentation provided by the client and the data gathered whilst the activities are undertaken are loaded onto our management system, so as to make them immediately available for use, including for any possible future management of the asset in question.
Dedicated professionalism
Each part of the analysis is carried out with the support of expert sector professionals, all operating within an extensive network across the entire country and possessing specific competences and a high degree of seniority.

Within the institutional Real Estate sector Revalo interacts with all the key players, providing its specific consultation services to assist with the management of all issues that may arise in relation to the property.
The service has a strong technical and urban planning focus and is supported by a profound knowledge of the market.
Revalo’s various operating units work in tandem to fully understand the Client’s needs and to provide appropriate solutions, both for single projects as well as for entire property portfolios.
Revalo interacts with its Clients not merely as a consultant, but as a genuine Business Partner.
- Consolidated national and international network
- Profound market knowledge
- Solid track record deriving from the vast number of projects Revalo has undertaken
- Experience in managing structured projects for both Tenants and property owners
Business Planning
Definition of the Business Plan model in line with the Client’s specific objectives, guaranteeing them precise forecasts on costs and revenues as well as an accurate analysis of the project’s feasibility.
- Deep knowledge and understanding of the financial dynamics connected with Real Estate projects
- Global vision of the economic dynamics of the market
- Evaluation and analysis tools provided by the finance office offering vital insights to inform the Client’s decision making
Integration with other Business Units
The objective of Revalo’s Advisory activities is to provide the Client with a comprehensive overview of every single project.
This is made possible due to the fact that all the services are provided by Revalo in-house, bringing its specific expertise to bear in order to analyse, understand and propose customised solutions to the Client.
- All technical and commercial aspects are covered to provide a 360° view
- Constant exchange of information and communication between Revalo’s business units
- Single point of reference for managing the multifarious aspects of structured real estate projects

Revalo is able to offer the following Engineering services with exceptional standards of professionalism:
- Sale & Leasing support (access to documents, correcting building/land registry irregularities, drafting of EPCs and of certificates of compliance with land registry or building regulations, land use certificates).
- Structural and plant engineering surveys using traditional or advanced tools (point cloud)
- Feasibility studies
- Architectural, structural and plant design and works supervision
- Space planning
- Works supervision and safety coordination during design and implementation phases in accordance with Legislative Decree 81/2008
- Drafting of Declarations of Compliance and plant inspections
- Structural inspections and seismic vulnerability analysis
- Regulations for use
Revalo’s consolidated experience in building management enables it to provide Engineering services aimed at guaranteeing the optimal future management of the property, both functionally and financially
On-site presence and monitoring
The continuous monitoring of regulatory changes in the sector, a wide network of expert professionals across Italy, and decades of experience in building management all come together to ensure that Engineering is an area in which Revalo genuinely excels.
Decades of experience in standard and non-standard building management, in Project Construction processes and in Due Diligence reporting enable Revalo to apply market benchmarking for all Engineering costs, based both on the size of the property and on its intended use.